1. Do you take interest in the country’s politics as much as you do in people’s lives?
As a Phuppo, I have to be well-informed about whatever is going on so yes, I do keep an eye on the country’s politics as well.
2. The ultimate question: who gives you more content to be a phuppo, your niece or nephew?
I would have said both of them but even more (and interesting) content is provided by my wonderful Habib kids. ^_^
3. How to not fall asleep in Yohsin Hall?
This is something even I have yet to find out because how can you not be affected by the magical spell that you come under every time you go there.
4. Phuppo, some people say that you spread rumors and false information. Is that true?
I am strictly against spreading false information. Some might do so but it is against my morals (as it should be against everyone’s) to make up things that can prove to be harmful to someone. You might want to be wary of those “some people”!
5. My cat always comes to disturb me during online classes. What should I do?
Let it have some fun as it watches you frown every few minutes about not understanding a thing or falling asleep during class. :)
If you have any questions to ask our Phuppo, whether related to uni-life or personal life, feel free to send them through any of the following means:
· Email us at ajabafsanay@gmail.com
· Inbox us at facebook.com/ajabafsanay/
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