Hello everyone! Hope Ramazan is going well for all of you. You might have heard already from the ‘Ajab Afsanay’ team that this week’s issue is the last one as the semester is coming to an end. It truly has been such a wonderful experience giving tips to my readers and answering their questions through this magazine. So, this week, we’ll be talking about all the main events that have happened this semester; sort of a recap of Spring 2021. For the past few weeks, I was the one interviewing the kids - now, I’ll hand over this role to a member of the ‘Ajab Afsanay’ team who is here to interview me.
Interviewer: Hello Phuppo! Hope you are doing well.
Phuppo: Hello! Yes, I’m good, though a bit sad that this is the final issue of the magazine.
Interviewer: Well, some things can’t last forever but don’t worry Phuppo. We will always remember your totkas and keep asking you questions in Habib.
Phuppo: Of course, you’re welcomed to ask for as many tips as you like. After all, I will remain Habib Ki Phuppo!
Interviewer: Exactly. So Phuppo, how has this semester been for you while working with us; and also for your students?
Phuppo: For me, it was a pleasure to help more people and answer their interesting questions through this magazine. For students though, I have heard it was a quite tough one which is expected with all the hindrances that they have to face due to COVID and the campus closure.
Interviewer: Surely. Talking about the main happenings this semester, the changes in campus access is one of them. Would you like to share your opinions on it?
Phuppo: Yes, the changes in the COVID situation led to the campus being opened, and just when there was a hope that there could be some normalcy regained, the rise in the cases and the third wave led to the access being limited step-by-step. This created issues for students who wanted to access the campus for work and important reasons but I guess, it could not be avoided sadly.
Interview: True, precautions are necessary so that the virus does not spread. The recent news about how badly India has been hit by the virus is truly heartbreaking. Let’s hope that the situation gets better there and in every country that has been impacted by COVID-19.
Phuppo: Yes, while the world, including businesses and schools, is finding ways to continue functioning in this pandemic, it has also paused so many activities and things. The students have been missing playing sports on campus and attending the various events that used to take place each year. For example, an event that is organized by one of the student clubs, ‘HUCon’, also did not take place this year which left many students extremely sad as it is one of the most fun events for them. People from different fandoms come together to celebrate multiple forms of art and media but they did not get a chance to do so this year.
Interviewer: Yes, Phuppo! Even I was extremely sad about it and missing last year’s ‘HUCon’. You really know how the students of Habib feel! Talking about events, a lot of them were shifted to an online format. Could you tell me about one of those?
Phuppo: Of course; one of them was the 4th ‘Post-colonial Higher Education Conference’ (PHEC) that took place from 22nd-27th March this year in the form of online live discussions. Titled ‘Reparative Futures’, it featured numerous lecturers and academics from around the world who talked about the damage done by colonialism, capitalism, and modernity to our biosphere, economies, politics, and religion. It discussed reflecting on these and the possibilities of repairing them for a better future. It was a very insightful, relevant, and much-needed discussion and it was great to attend these online conferences.
Interview: Wow Phuppo, seems like you know all the details about everything that happens!
Phuppo: And this is not the only thing! Last semester, Habib’s radio platform called ‘Runway Radio’ had shifted to an online format as well. To improve that online experience, it launched its YouTube channel this semester! It was so fun to see students trying to guess what the big reveal could be during the countdown to the launch because I had already found out about it, haha.
Interviewer: As expected, Phuppo finds out everything before others can! Certainly, a lot has happened this semester. As we conclude our interview, any thoughts that you would like to share with your readers, Phuppo?
Phuppo: I would say that it has been lovely to be a part of Ajab Afsanay and in case, someone needs any advice, they can still reach to me because of course, I will remain the Phuppo of Habib. I hope things get better soon so I can see the students on campus again. Take care and Allah Hafiz!
Interviewer: Thank you for being such wonderful readers! Goodbye!