I work as a service designer in a company called Designist. My job basically revolves around business design which is concerned with optimizing different services which users interact with. For example, right now I am working with Fujifilm and we are designing their user experience for a project. This project is concerned with giving people easy access to X-rays.
Due to Covid-19, it is difficult for people to go to the hospital because of risk factors and currently there are a lot of patients who require urgent X-rays. Keeping that in mind, we are creating a home service that allows you to book an appointment online and a radiographer comes to your home and performs an X-ray and you can get your reports delivered at home. This is easy and accessible and eliminates the need to go to the hospital, especially if you are too sick. The great part about this project is that it allows people to give feedback to us and then we use that feedback and incorporate it into our design. This is an important aspect of service design because it allows us to update the service using user recommendations.
I do miss Habib. I miss being with my friends and seeing them every day. It is difficult to remember a specific memorable moment from my 4 years at Habib but I miss chilling at Info Commons and hanging out at Baithak.
While I was at Habib, I tried to produce a play; we were holding auditions and practices but then slowly, the students lost interest and didn’t participate so we couldn’t perform the play live. However, later on, with the help of Dr. Anzar and Yousuf Kerai, we were able to perform a play – it was called “Beejli, Pyar, and Aba Jaan.” We performed in the auditorium – it was a huge success and a lot of fun. After that, I started making short videos with my friends. A friend of mine had to make a video for class and we shot a music video together. We also approached other friends who were into filmmaking and together, we started a company. This company is a platform for promoting other small videos and web series. We meet up on the weekends and we write and discuss different scripts. We go out and shoot and edit videos as well. There are a lot of things going on in the company and hopefully, it will continue to grow.”
– Ali Askari,
Electrical Engineering,
Batch of 2019